Monday, May 23, 2011

'God Spoke' Oh, the weight placed on a single word spoken by Elohim

Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days

He has spoken to us by His Son...

Hebrews chapter one verse one.

In her book "Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ" Madam Jeanne Guyon taught me how to pray through the Scriptures. This is a discipline I do often. I call it hovering, and it simply based on the fact that God has purpose in every single word of His Word. Do you believe that? If not then try 'Hovering' and ask God to show you the depth of His Words.

There was a time in my life where I didn't really believe in there being much depth to Gods Word.

I was wrong...

I won't expound on that, but do know I have sympathy for you if that is the place you are in.
Nonetheless that is not what I believe now.
I am confident now that Gods thoughts are higher then my thoughts.. A mere thought of Gods. Is higher then my thoughts.. Pause for a moment. Just think about what you are capable of thinking about.. I don't know about you but it's not hard for me to use my imagination (i actually schedule time out of the week for it 'creative thinking' Monday's at lunch you can join me sometime we can sit together and just think.. that would be fun) to create something very very big or you can even just think yourself away.. out of this planet, or you can think yourself into another galaxy, or you can think yourself... anything! And your telling me that Gods thoughts..... are even higher then that. THEN HOW MUCH MORE HIGHER are His thoughts that actually get written down for you to read? Think of how many thoughts it takes you to write something down in.. like a blog for example, I'm sure you didn't just start typing every single word that came to mind. If you can put deep thought into what you write, and if you can pen a letter, pact with meaning, loaded with thought, to someone you love just think.. His thoughts are higher then even those.. So how much more deep is His letter to you? His word will never pass away..

It sure an't a blog..

It's the written Word of the God who's imagination surpasses and encompasses the deepest thought of Freud, Plato, Gandhi..

The written Word of the God who baffles the greatest logician the world has ever known.

The written Word of the God who has not only thought up metaphysics, but He thought up, spoke, and created the mind and body that we are still trying to study and figure...

I believe in the depth of the Word of God, so hover over it, meditate on it, over and over again.

I say this all because we are beginning a meditation on the book of Hebrews tomorrow.
Dive in with me a moment.
As I was hovering over verse one of chapter one (as shown above) and I was deeply moved by two words..(that's typical when you linger or hover of a phrase written by the deepest most loving being..ever). They were:

God spoke

Just let it sink in before I ruin your moment with those two beautiful words...
God spoke.. I NEED THAT. I need that soo much. Maybe you need it to. Do you know it?
God is a speaking God. He is not silent. He is not unattached. He is not preoccupied with something else. God Speaks..

This is only good news IF He speaks good things? If God spoke lies... who cares. I speak lies. satan is the father of lies. God will never lie. He will never tell you a lie, and He has never told you a lie. That is GOOD news. The Almighty God who created everything, who knows everything, who loves me, and will not ever lie to me.. Speaks. That thought rushes into my soul like a river of cool, pure, untampered with, water gushing into the heart of a massive, blazing hot, forest fire. The forest ablaze with lies in my heart that I am alone, I am unwanted and not enough. Lies that allude to my Father being a god who tricks, and deceives me.. NO the God of truth speaks.. And He only speaks truth, and without the truth I am lost in a haze of deliberately hand crafted land mines that will blow me and what I hope is true to pieces!

Yes I need truth.. Yes I need a Father is truth.. And I need a Father who speaks.

Back up a few words and linger of the word 'Many'

Two times in verse one we have the word 'many' this is so significant because it wasn't just once!
Oh how many times we say the phrase "missed my shot" there are so many temporary things in this life that you can "miss out on" OR "you never get a second chance for that" OR "You only get one shot do not miss your chance to blow this opportunity comes once in a lifetime" ;)
This word 'many' is significant because it lets us into a truth about our Speaking Father. He doesn't just say things once and if you miss it once you are full of hopelessness and regret because you 'missed your shot'. He spoke MANY times and in MANY way's.

He is a Father.. Verse two say's "He spoke to us through His Son" there will be many other things learned from these first verses but we will pause for now lastly on this one.
He is a Father.. If He can speak through His Son then that makes Him a Father..

He is a Eternal, All Knowing, Deep, Loving, Thoughtful.. Father who speaks.

Not my Father...? Well this verse is specifically talking about Jesus.
The Firstborn (col. 3)
The only begotten (John 3)
The heir of all things (Heb 1)
The Image of the invisible God (Col 3)
The one who provided purification for our sin (vs 3 we will get to that another time)

And Jesus after His work on the cross was complete, and after He had been resurrected He said to Mary these beautiful words "Go to my brothers and say to them 'I am ascending to My Father and your Father my God and your God"
He is a Father and what a beautiful truth it is to know that He is not just 'A' Father but He is

OUR, Continually, Truth Speaking Father.

-D. Thompson

1 comment:

  1. yeah! amen!
    (i love it when you write a little, brother. your words hold weight, probably because of all that time you spend hovering)
