Monday, August 8, 2011

Saul at Damascus Part 1

Saul knew
What he had to do
That day he arrived at Damascus
He had letters in hand
That gave the command
To bind anyone he could find
Who dare follow the Way.
And oh how the local Jews craved the day
When Saul would quench their thirst
For stories rehearsed of his endeavor
To dismantle this 'sect' in Jerusalem
One by one

"Looks more like a lions den"
Said Saul as he entered in
A synagog of zealous men
God whispered
"I saved Daniel.. I can do it again"

And a den it was!
Vicarious grins across all the men's faces
Young disciples recall places in their Torah of zealous men like Phineas and his spear
'Could one alike be hear?'

Torpid he stood
For that's all that he could
Do in front of this sea of truculent eyes
It was no surprise the crowed was transfixed
Their bodies were alive but their hearts were dead..
The necks attached to their heads were stiff and stubborn like Cattle
determined to battle against everyone who sought to see the Holy man from Galilee.

All hearts fond all spirits pleased
To finally witness the man who seized
The Lords blasphemers.. Those Jesus believers.
They wondered "Could the might and zeal of this Benjamites hand have what it takes to take a stand and right the wrongs done by the one called Son of Man?"

He reached for the scroll took a deep breath and paused...

For a moment he escaped in that breath of Damascinian air
And somehow knew that God was right there
And he prayed that Jesus would come.. would come and tear
The scales off their eyes. For he couldn't bare
To see..
To see.. If they can't see!

'God! you blinded me to set my heart free. And only now do I see how blind I really was!
Show them this is what you did and what you still do..
You came to earth so we could come to you
That is all they need to know
That is all that I will ever preach
To all nations I will go just to show
How far you can reach
Jesus You came for me and were crucified..
I chose to sin You chose to die
But You were raised and glorified
Forever exalted lifted High
Oh that I may know You.. and the power of Your resurrection
Come help me preach and if I die my soul has your protection
I just want you.
I need you.. I'm no savant
Everything in me burns for you to just come..
So come as close as You want.'

-D. Thompson